Waterfront District
The Downtown Duluth Waterfront District is a Special Service District managed by Downtown Duluth. The District encompasses 90 blocks in the heart of Duluth. Property owners within the district boundaries pay a fee for enhanced services and programs, with the goal of improving the safety, cleanliness and economic vitality of the Downtown Waterfront.
The Duluth Downtown Waterfront District was established January 1, 2005. Since that time, the DDWD has worked to stabilize and improve the downtown and Canal Park’s environment, thereby strengthening its competitiveness in the region. We provide services and programs such as the Clean & Safe Team, Streetscape Flowers and Hanging Baskets and enhanced marketing/events. Together, we are building a stronger central business district!

The 2025 District Operating Plan can be found here.
By pooling resources, property owners in our downtown waterfront have made a difference.
We are honored to manage and facilitate the services and programs that help strengthen this neighborhood.