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Imagine Downtown is at a turning point; and we want your perspective to help shape the future. Whether you’ve lived here for years or just started exploring what downtown has to offer, your experiences and ideas are invaluable.

Upcoming Event | Community Meeting

Duluth’s downtown is the heart of our community. The Imagine Downtown Community Visioning Open House is an opportunity for the public to help shape the future of Duluth’s downtown.

Past Events

Members from the nationally recognized consulting team of MIG converged on Duluth in August.  During that visit, they did on-the-ground fact finding and listening.  They were involved in various tours of the downtown community, hosted focus groups, attended Power up the Plaza and discussed a 5-year vision with the Imagine Downtown Steering Committee.

Power Up The Plaza | Some questions that were asked at the event:

  • What is your favorite way to spend time in Duluth's downtown?
  • What is your vision for the future of Duluth's downtown?
  • I think Duluth's Downtown is a fun and engaging place to visit
  • What events would you like to see here in this space?

Focus Groups:

MIG's consulting team conducted several small focus groups to determine what community members considered important, and what they wanted to see in the downtown.

Focus Group 1: Bagley Building

Focus Group 2: Bagley Building

Press Releases 

October 10th, 2024 | Imagine Downtown Community Event Release
October 11th, 2024 | Community Open House Poster