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FREE Duluth Coffee | Networking | Music

We're bringing back a full summer of FREE coffee breaks,
go gather up your colleagues and friends to join us!

Our coffee breaks will run every Wednesday from 10am - 11am
at the Plaza through September 11th.

Let us know if you would be interested in sponsorship, you can find the information here.
Here’s a great chance to network and build back community in our downtown.

July Schedule

July 10th | Indecent Proposal

Powered by Pizza Lucé

July 17th | Marc Gartman

Powered by Downtown Duluth

July 24th | Slope City

Powered by Gardner Builders

July 31st | Jess Morgan

Powered by Wheeler Associates

August Schedule

August 7th | Revisonz

Powered by DSGW Architecture

August 14th | Teague Alexy

Powered by MediaUSA

August 21st | Eric Bong

Powered by Genereau & Co. Jewelry

August 28th | Breanne Marie

Powered by Minnesota Power Employee Credit Union (MPECU)

September Schedule

September 4th | Boss Mama & Jacob Mahon

Powered by Fond-du-Luth Casino

September 11th | Indecent Proposal

Powered by TBD

coffee + music (1)